2019 Execution Evaluations for FIG, NCAA, and JO

The NGJA continues to promote consistancy and continuity in evaluating execution across the International, National, NCAA, and JO Program.

Utilize these analysis to improve your execution evaluation at every level.

Beginning January 3rd, 2019, one routine on each event will be released each week.

The routines are evaluated by the 2018-2019 Senior NALs, 2018-2019 NCAA NALs, and 2018-2019 JO NALs.

JO execution exceptions are not applied in these analysis.

Thank you,

Dean Schott
NGJA National Technical Vice President

Week 10: Routines posted March 20, 2019
Routines:       FX        PH        SR        VT        PB        HB    
Routine Analysis:      Week 10 Analysis
Week 9: Routines posted March 15, 2019
Routines:       FX        PH        SR        VT        PB        HB    
Routine Analysis:      Week 9 Analysis
Week 8: Routines posted March 7, 2019
Routines:       FX        PH        SR        VT        PB        HB    
Routine Analysis:      Week 8 Analysis
Week 7: Routines posted February 27, 2019
Routines:       FX        PH        SR        VT        PB        HB    
Routine Analysis:      Week 7 Analysis
Week 6: Routines posted February 23, 2019
Routines:       FX        PH        SR        VT        PB        HB    
Routine Analysis:      Week 6 Analysis
Week 5: Routines posted February 7, 2019
Routines:       FX        PH        SR        VT        PB        HB    
Routine Analysis:      Week 5 Analysis
Week 4: Routines posted January 28, 2019
Routines:       FX        PH        SR        VT        PB        HB    
Routine Analysis:      Week 4 Analysis
Week 3: Routines posted January 19, 2019
Routines:       FX        PH        SR        VT        PB        HB    
Routine Analysis:      Week 3 Analysis  
Week 2: Routines posted January 11, 2019
Routines:       FX        PH        SR        VT        PB        HB    
Routine Analysis:      Week 2 Analysis  
Week 1: Routines posted January 3, 2019
Routines:       FX        PH        SR        VT        PB        HB    
Routine Analysis:      Week 1 Analysis