2014 National Judge of the Year
Mid-West – Eric Cramer West – Evan Shaw East – Will Fontanez Mid East – Larry Byerly
Mark Sherman induction into Hall of Fame

Doug Hills inducted in USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame

Doug Hills, men’s gymnastics, Lifetime Achievement
Hills has been an International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) brevet-rated judge since 1980. A judge since 1966, Hills has evaluated gymnasts at competitions around the world, including the 2014 Pan American Championships, the 2011 Pan American Games and the 1990 Goodwill Games. He has served as a judge at each of the last three U.S. Olympic Team Trials and at the U.S. Championships more than 20 times. As an administrator, Hills has been part of the National Gymnastics Judges Association’s governing board since 1996 and is NGJA director-at-large. He designed and developed the software series “Gymnastics Gold ” and helped create software utilized for continuing education by the FIG in all six of its disciplines. In 1990, he received the Frank J. Cumiskey Service Award for his judging contributions to the U.S. Men’s Junior Olympic Program. As an athlete, he was a collegiate gymnast at San Jose State College from 1966-1970 and coached the team from 1970-71. Currently, Hills lives in Portland, Ore., where he runs his software business, Sports Training Systems, and continues to judge gymnastics competitions.